Neem Oiled Cake ( Pulverized Powder )

Neem Oiled Cake ( Pulverized Powder )

Product Description

Neem Cake is the Future of Farming in Indian and abroad. We have developed a unique Neem Cake formulation that contains more Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Calcium, and Magnesium than farm yard manure or sewage sludge.


Contents of Neem Cake Organic Manure

Moisture <8%
Calcium (Ca) 1%
Nitrogen (N) >4%
Magnesium (Mg) 0.75%
Phosphorous (P) >1%
Sulphur (S) 1.20%
Potassium (K) >1%
Salannin >300 ppm
Oil >8%
Nimbin >300 ppm
Azadirachtin >500 ppm
Aflatoxin NIL


♦Neem Cake Organic Manure is very effective on growth, yield and quality of agricultural crops.

♦There is a significant improvement in soil health in all plants treated with Neem Cake.

♦The organic carbon contents increased with increase in dose of Neem Cake manure.

♦Soil moisture content is increased during crop growth period with the application of Neem Cake Organic Manure.

♦Plant growth parameters viz. terminal shoot growth, plant girth, height, and spread were significantly affected by NeemCake Organic Manure treatments.

♦It was also observed that in Neem Cake Organic Manure treatment fruit pressure and titratable acidity was recorded maximum. Usage Neem Cake Organic Manure can be used on its own as a fertilizer but works most effectively when incorporated into the soil along with nitrogen fertilizer. Other

♦Nematode control: The nematodes such as Haplolaimusindicus HelicotylenchusSp, PratylenchusSp, Meloidogyne incognita, M. Javanica (root-knot nematode). TylenchorhynchusSp and Rodopholussimilis are being controlled by this Neem Cake product. It also controls parasitic fungi such as R. brassica

♦Insect pest control: This product also controls Grain moth, lesser grain moth and red flour beetle.

♦Increase in Earthworm population: Places where Neem Cake Organic Manure is used, an increase in earthworm population is found.

♦Induces nitrification: Induces the nitrification process and the chlorophyll contents get increased. Neem Cake Organic Manure, provides more and more nitrates for the plants which in turn induces the nitrogen metabolism.

♦Releases Acid, aldehydes etc.: This also releases fatty acids, aldehydes, Ketones, Amino acids, carbohydrates and free sulphur, which forms the precursor material for plant growth and metabolism.

Product Details & Specifications

1. Powder - Particle Size 200 Mesh. This is a good basal dressing.


♦In general 10 Kg. of Neem Cake Organic Manure per tree in Horticultural crops and 200-400 Kg./per hectare in other crops is recommended